alrite then, lemme start
16th April - my exams started, gave one, and went to ishaan's place to study for the next one (17th) , on the way back (actually just dropping anleey) i was on my bike, another bike, with a woman at the back and her son driving it, stopped/slowed on the side, we kept on going and as we came behind it on the right, they turned into our way and BLAM!! after this impact my bike also hit another bike...anleey and me were on the ground all scraped up...and kinda hazy and stuff, and all these people started surrounding us, apparently some people had already taken the injured woman to the hospital...and while i woke up asking "what happened?" everyone was getting hostile around me, as if it was my fault, people shoving me and anleey around...treating us like criminals, when all i wanted to do was go home..and i had full right to, lemme make this clear, there is nothing about this accident that i was totally their fault. now as we were forced to go to the hospital (we cooperated so as to not create a scene, and as they had told me about the woman going to the hospital i was concerned) i realised that there was going to be no justice, and no truth, in this situation. i was being screamed at by every bloody person except one or two people who were actually listening to me and helping me out, one of these guys said to me "the woman had spondilitis, so it is even more serious, right now just tolerate their accusations else they'll become aggressive" well, i listened, spoke minimally, and hoped for the best...and felt extremely violated at the same time, the woman had multiple fractures in her right arm, a shoulder dislocation, and had to get stitches on her head. the policeman came and took my statement...which was the exact truth..and their accusation
"we were going slowly because my mother has a back problem, and these people came at a speed of 80-90 kmph and hit us from behind!!" (on law college road? in traffic at 11 p.m? are you kidding me?)well, then the elder son (the one not driving) comes to me, yells a bit more, accuses even more, and says
"i won't do a police case if you pay the hospital bills" and i agreed (at this point i should have called me father, but stupidly, felt a bit scared). but i knew my father would handle it, and also felt that i might get some justice, in a way. so i went home, with my bike keys, papers, and my license (which i had given to the police) now in the custody of the son of that woman (whose husband had now arrived too).
these people had come to an arrangement with the police, to let me go give my exams (which i had mentioned to them earlier) because i had agreed to give them the money, and anyway they had my signed statement and could do the police case anytime, i was kinda relieved coz the police case seemed like a big hassle and troublesome. dhriv and sarjeet had arrived and had convinced them to do i went home, took care of my wounds and went to day i wake up and call my dad and explain the situation, now my dad, after the initial scolding about not calling him right away, told me to tell them to go ahead with the police case. i was like HUH? then he explained to me that if they went ahead with the police case, as it was not my fault i would just have to plead 'not guilty' in the court and my bike's third party insurance would pay for the damages (hospital bills) so i thought 'ok' and went on with my life.....
now a couple of days later with a friend of my dad's who had come to help me out with the situation (all this time my bike was with them) we go to them and tell them that the insurance thing will cover their bills...and then they started screaming at me
you're drifting away from your promise!! you said you would pay the bills!! i mean, how hard is it to understand that you will get the money anyways?? maybe even more!! just not directly from my pocket...and anyway (this wasn't even mentioned to them once, you had to be there to get why) it was not my fault!! damned people.
so after a lot of arguing and a lot of
we don't want your insurance! we don't want to get involved in a police case! give us our damn money! my dad agreed to pay their bills in cash...directly...and it was a significant amount, and i was pissed about it, very.
26th April they finally gave my bike...and guess what?? the rear view mirrors,
and the battery...were gone. disappeared, and the petrol was all gone too...with the pipe disconnected....
this was the
worst luck, and the
worst form of injustice, i have been a victim of, so far.
now on to the kittens :-)
we (me and anleey) recently got these two kittens
herereally cute and fun, and easy to take care of. pretty stupid though...shake one's tail in front of him, and it grabs it like a predator, wtf?
also, us guys (me,dhriv,ishan,anleey,rupin,revant etc) have been playing worms (like always) and counterstrike a lot lately, i basically suck at it..but have become slightly better :-) in a certain level i took a magnum (powerful sniper) once and did not die until they changed the map, survived many, many rounds and eliminated the opposing team :-) that was some luck, i think.
anyway, it's been fun, and sad, these last days of April...and i will be all alone for most of may (till around 16th) lets make the nest of it, at least i have the kittens with me :-) for whom we are looking for a place coz i have to go home for a bout a month and can't take them with me coz im not going directly to gwalior...and yeah, they are anleey's kittens (kinda,technically,damn,not really, no yeah,er...) and he can't take them to Dubai with him either...
OK, lets pray for more animal adventures and less bike accidents :-)
and of yeah!! i forgot to mention o went for this great concert in mumbai, a launch concert for an annual un-metal music compilation CD, amazing concert...totally worth the long trip :-) great bands..great music...great sound setup...also met rakshit and hitesh, was back in less than 24 hours.
the cats by the way, are really active, i could make a separate blog about their activities...
oh also, i made a seperate blog for the kittens
here :-)