Wednesday, October 17, 2007

deep and meaningless

exam time could easily be the most boring ever...usually you give someone a call and go for dinner or meet up for coffee or something (this sounds terribly similar to a casual date with someone of the opposite sex but sadly, it isn't, I'm referring to my male friends).

now during 'exam time', every minute spent outside having even the quintessential 'dinner' seems full of some kind of guilt...not heavy guilt, just a feeling of "fuck, we should be back home studying"

it's not like I'm so social a person that i can't live without going out with my friends and eating, but it's become part of my routine and not exactly avoidable (I'm not heavily inclined to avoid my friends either)

before i switch to my "hmmm, what should i write today?" mode...I'd like to say something about my last no way was i undermining the obvious 'talent' of the people who can just somehow make every phrase in a set of phrases rhyme with the one above... (how in the name of the devil does one do that?)

writing angry and dark lyrics seems like a great way to 'let stuff out', now that, is something everyone is always trying to do even more than the 'romantic''s usually something on the lines of 'hate', 'being ignored' and 'suffering', well...not everyone is in love, so somebody has to write about these too, which some feel more than others, and more than other emotions...

ok, now, i don't have much to write about...had some thoughts, they've kinda managed to sip my mind, Grrrr.....

i just realized that facebook can be really really addictive...the best place to stalk someone, hehe...i dunno why they generalize 'stalkers', everyone, is always, stalking somebody or the other...there is always someone you wanna know more about...and will do all the simple simple un-extreme things you can anonymously do just that!! snooping/stalking is a pretty fun activity, everyone does it, we're all a bit curious and a bit perverted...and the internet facilitates it's a boring life, gotta have some adventure and stupid pointless entertaining fun around here ;) i don't see anybody with the 'perfect life' here...nobody who you ca be jealous of, we're all losers at different levels..and it's all cool this way :) ah, beautiful beautiful cruel merciless world...what would we do without the little quirks in all you humans....

Now playing: Rooster - You're So Right For Me
via FoxyTunes

random thought: you realize it's so hard to find someone you can completely completely trust?? and that it actually is so much better this way????

1 comment:

lemon said...

facebook is addictive and whats wrong in stalking people when your not exactly going out of your way to do it! And ur right almost everyone is stalking someone or the other!

glad ur back here man!