Wednesday, June 27, 2007


ok, this is, an impulse that i mean, that i didn't think of anything to write before i started writing this. so what can i possibly write about? im feeling a bit shitty right now, kinda my own doing. (a lot shitty actually)

and, home isn't very inviting doesn't seem, homely...yet...much.

im just biding my time, waiting for a better hour (bullshit way of saying, im not very happy, but am very optimistic about being so in the future)

indulging in songs by 'ben kweller' and this song called 'forever young' by 'youth group', forever young, is just awesome (i think its a cover of a old abba song but im not sure) the lyrics, music, everything.

im just, kinda sad :( at the moment...gonna take refuge in my big headphones and the great healer and friend...hah, 'friend', i've always disregarded the word...truth is, all friends are temporary...the only good ones are those you don't have to keep getting constant assurances from to be sure that they still like ya, the ones you talk to the least, and still don't feel fucking guilty. the ones you don't have any fucking awkwardness talking about anything ever. 'friends', are overrated.

Also, many times, I'm way too diplomatic (it doesn't show) for my own sake…I don't want everyone to feel great, no I don't, but this fucking automatic reflexive diplomacy fuck it all up. I don't want extra friends, they're a liability.

And yes, I hate those people who start clinging to you just coz you say a few nice words to em….super liabilities and irritations. many of them too naïve to 'tell off'.

Saturday, June 09, 2007

another monthly (or slightly off) post...and yeah, MAC+PC marriage???

first of all, forgive the new 'look' of the blog, i hate it's like im pretending to be one of those 'minimalistics' and that too with some sad ad-ish links up there..i'll change it back to the same thing again, and maybe with the help of lemonade, into something totally awesome :)

since my last post (currently looking at my blog to see when that was) ah, now, let's start over...since my last post many things have happened which provoked me to write about them...some of them were:-

- the wild crazy/fun night with vihan,anurag,tanmay and achintya (no, there wasn't any sex involved)
- the trip to mahabaleshwar. with vihan,anurag, and landry...tanmay couldn't make it (actually a lot of the people who were supposed to come couldn't make it, arseholes)
- me getting utterly bored in gwalior
- oh yeah, how could i possibly forget? the mighty crash of my 400 gb harddisk :( it was a tragedy beyond words (even my bro's harddisk kinda crashed, but he recovered the data)
- my oh so lovely installation of windows vista which is so sexy i could just hump it
- my carrying the kittens in my gym bag to avanti's house :) (not exactly a legendary event but it was very 'unique')
- my viewing of the utterly overrated and pathetic movie "a beautiful mind" (what was so beautiful about his mind?? he was a complete whacko!!! like a snot nosed 10 year old kid who imagines that he is a G.I.Joe,weak,lame,Pfff)
- Cancellation of my plans to go to delhi, this really sucked...royally, i could have met my completely crazy comrade peu. well, whatever. guess i was destined to be bored and deprived these vacations...

but now, the thing that totally shook me up, the super shock, was the fact that the only way i could make my brother's macbook pro connect to the internet was through a windows PC!! i mean, this throws everything i know down the ditch, WTF!!!!

the wireless on the mac would detect our home wireless network, but not connect to it whatever i did, i tried different security levels, totally zero security, different authentication settings, manual DNS and IP etc. entry..nothing worked, then i tried connecting the Laptop to our router through the RJ-45 patch cable, and the router wouldn't even acknowledge a device connected to it...and then, out of a desperate hope, i connected the macbook to my laptop,the one with with windows vista ultimate on it and ICS (Internet Connection Sharing) enabled, and withing seconds, the mac was accessing the internet!! i mean, what the bloody fuck man!! this was like, blasphemy!! total crazy shit.....

the route for the mac to the internet was this(solid lines being wires, dotted ones being wireless)

Mac____cross cable______my laptop= = = =wi-fi= = = =Router____DSL line________Internet

truly amazed man, seriously, the apple people are fed up trying to help us, now tomorrow when i tell that guy all my problems for now are solved, they would be surprised that this method helped us :)

ok maybe i've ranted too much about this and some geek might want to correct me with a "dude, where have you been? i knew about this since ages" (well, as nobody visits my blog i probably won't get such a message, but still) sorry dude, i've not been much into the Mac thing...

sorry about not elaborating on the previously mentioned 'potential post topics' but here's a little bit, windows vista is awesome looks great, and has the option i alway s wanted of being able to access another the files of another user on the same computer by putting in his/her password....the mahabaleshwar trip was great, even with only 4 people!! just awesome, broke my slipper just outside mahabaleshwar as we were climbing into some wilderness where these guys wanted to drink beer, and thus had to ride my bike to panchgani barefoot :) it was kinda hard coz it was a hot day and at traffic stops it was hard to put my foot down, was constantly 'ooh' 'aah' 'ouch'-ing and rocking the bike from side to side, hehe...funny sight for fellow here and here.

i also have been playing 'god of war 2' on my friend's PS2, awesome game, really i wish i had a PS2...also i fixed up my PSP with this great new custom firmware which lets me use all homebrew and the awesome new features of firmware 3.03 :) also i can now convert and run PS1 games on the PSP, run great...also a friend of mine bought a PS3, and seeing the hacking possibilities of the same on i seriously wish i had one :( not for games, just for all this shit :)

i also saw the movie 'lords of dogtown', really nice movie, so fulfilling, i love movies like this....

and yeah one more thing, i was watching garden state and heard this song in the end in Imogen Heap's voice, and thought "that's funny, i have all her good songs, besides this, and this sounds pretty good" and then i waited for the credits to roll and it hit me, Imogen heap was in Frou Frou!! no wonder i was missing out on this awesome music...ok, Frou Frou discography, here i come!!!