it was basically about technology kicking sheep's ass in the big city, all kinds of shitty luck...and then he somehow goes back into time using a time machine (the show is very weird) and he finds happiness, he's somewhere in ancient greece or something...and there are these people who are really nice to him, he's having the time of his life!! no technology to bother him!! but then he realizes that those people are making him happy happy coz 'lady medusington' likes her 'sacrifices' to be kept, this delightful woman, is lady medusington:-

and her wig full of angry bunnies!! (obviously this is a satire of medusa, the mythical character who had snakes for hair) :-

ow, lady medusington throws her wig on sheep to attack him, the wig keeps bouncing up and down on him, hurting him!! poor sheep....

then he gets an idea, he takes out some seeds:-

buries and waters them:-

instantly, carrots grow!!:-

he hands them to the angry bunnies, and they're happy and leave him alone :) so cute!! hehe....

so this made me laugh like a crazy guy for a long time :-P you have to see this episode!! you have to worship the chow creators!! the show is so...damn...funny!!! buahahahahahahahahahahaha!! :-P
and yeah, after sheep does this, we get to hear lady medusington saying lines like "you ruined my angry bunnies!!!" (with a heavily rolling 'r', arrrr)
"i'll get you, you bunny ruiner!!"